Hello friends, WhatsApp has finally launched a WhatsApp channel feature just like Telegram. Now you can follow your favorite stars on WhatsApp as you did before on Instagram. If you have not got this feature yet then update your WhatsApp now.
If you are looking for some best WhatsApp channels that you can follow on WhatsApp, then in this post we have given a list of some top WhatsApp channels that you can follow.
Also, if you also want to create your own WhatsApp channel, then we have told that also in this post. So without any delay, let us know about WhatsApp channels.
What is WhatsApp channel?
As we mentioned above, WhatsApp channel is also a feature like telegram channel which has been recently launched by WhatsApp. Through WhatsApp channel, you can add millions of your fans on WhatsApp, that too without sharing the number.
Till now WhatsApp only provided the feature of creating groups and creating broadcast lists in which you could add only limited members. But now any number of people can follow you through WhatsApp channel.
Keeping your privacy in mind, WhatsApp has created a feature in which you can share your thoughts with millions of people through WhatsApp, that too without sharing the number.
This conversation will be one-way, meaning only you or the admin will be able to post messages on your WhatsApp channel. No follower will be able to know your numbers nor can they post on your channel.
Whenever you post something, that post will be visible to your followers in the status section. Currently, you can only post any image, video or text in WhatsApp channel, but it is expected that soon you will be able to post polls, files etc. on WhatsApp just like telegram channel.
So now let us know about some top and best WhatsApp channels which you can follow:
Top Whatsapp Channels to Follow in India
As soon as WhatsApp launched the channel feature, many major brands have created their channels on it. Some such top WhatsApp channels are given below which you can follow and join them.
For Whatsapp Status
Top Celebrity Channel on WhatsApp
Best Whatsapp Channels for Knowledge
For News Channel WhatsApp
For Entertainment/Fun
For Cricket Lovers
For Finance Tips
For Gaming
For Tech
For Movie Updates
These were some top WhatsApp channels which you can join according to your interest. If you also want to get your channel added to this list, you can contact us. Channel should be legal, active and have at least 1000 members.
If you want to know how to create a channel on WhatsApp, then you can continue reading our post. Let us know how to create a channel on WhatsApp?
How to Create a Channel on Whatsapp
To create a channel on WhatsApp, first of all, you have to update your WhatsApp. After WhatsApp is updated, go to the update section of WhatsApp.
This will show you the option of channels. On clicking on the plus icon next to the channel, you will see the option of Find Channel and Create Channel.
You can create your WhatsApp channel by clicking on the create channel option. While creating a WhatsApp channel, it will give you the option to add the channel name, description, profile photo, so that you can tell the profile photo, name and about your channel to your users.
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